Posted on Dec. 6, 2005

“Got the NV 610 a few weeks back. It has blown me away; I may be adding a 210 on top of it soon for some extra highs. Bergantino cabs are simply the best sounding on the planet. ” -Clark

Posted on Dec. 4, 2005

“Hello, Jim. I noticed a bunch of “stroke the ego” great comments, and I do agree. I love my new 322. You have a great partner….Juan in Sacramento, he was very helpful in creating my new rig. I play a ’79 Tobias fretless and a Warrior 5-string through a Mesa m-pulse 600 and a single HT-322 cab. What a great set-up !! Keep up the good work !! ” Stefano Fibonacci —the ink on suit incident— and my new band —Sub Arctic—

Posted on Dec. 4, 2005

“Dear Jim: I purchased an HT 322 about 2 years ago and to this date it’s still going strong as the day I received it. This cab can kick ass against anything out there. There is no better cab made, period. I got an Eden “Metro” a Trace Eliott and a Carvin PB100-10 and these can’t hold a candle to your HT322. I own a series of basses. I have the following basses, Gibson “Thunderbird” Ibanez K5, Hofner 63 vintage, Pedulla “Thunderbass” Fodera Victor Bailey model and a Steinberger Synnapse. They all sound great through a Bergie HT322. I have a blues group, my 2 guitar players have tried their guitars on my Bergie and it sounds fantastic. We played a PRS Custom 22 on it and a Fender Jimi Hendrix strat on it and the sound was crystal clear. This cab is not for basses only but for guitars too. Just thought I’d let you know. I power my Ht322 with a EBS 350 amp head and never encountered a bit of trouble in the 2 years I had it. I use this amp everday. If you want the best and want to sound like the best than go with a Bergantino cab. I say no more. Thanks Jim! ” Sincerely, Tony Casaceli

Posted on Dec. 4, 2005

“I’ve had my two HT322s for well over a year now and all I can say is they are without a doubt, the most amazing cabs I have ever heard. I currently own an AccuGroove Whappo Jr. and a Trace Elliot BFC 4X10 + 1X15. I have spent a lot of time and money in my quest for great tone and I have listened to a lot of cabs from the likes of Epifani, Eden, Aguilar, Ampeg and Ashdown, etc. It seems to me that there is always a trade off with other cabs, good mids but lack bottom, good bottom and mids but lack top end. Not so with the Bergies, from the deep lows to the absolute sweetest highs the HT322 is the fullest sounding cabinet I have ever heard. I have used a Demeter HBP-1 preamp with a Crest CA 9 power amp as well as a Trace Elliot AH1000-12 and both sound fantastic run through the Bergies. Another stand out quality of the Bergies is in their ability to work for any style of music I play. Whether I’m slapping funk lines on one of my MTD 535s or playing heavy rock in drop tuni! ng on my Modulus Q5 the 322s deliver. Mr. Bergantino’s exceptional customer service is just the icing on the cake. ” Dominick J. – Mesa, AZ

Posted on Nov. 17, 2005

“I have had my HT112 for a while now. It’s a fantastic cab. On my last gig, I had a cord short and ground out on me. You have never heard a squeal like that through both the PA and my amp and cab. I thought for sure that the tweeter would be fried. When I hooked up my gear at home the next day – full range. The cab sounds as good as ever and apparently is tough as nails. The only thing better than my HT112 would be an EX112 to stack it on. ” Thanks for a great cab, Jim!

Posted on Nov. 6, 2005

“Bergantino products are simply the best available to today’s demanding players. I have been on a long journey to find the most satisfying bass tone, and I have to say that my quest is finally over. I love my NV425 in a way that most psychologists would find disturbing, and have just now made arrangements to pick up an HT322. No mystical technologies here, just great engineering and a committment to quality. Jim, keep up the great work! ” Mark Foley – Pleasant Hill, CA