Posted on May 9, 2005

“After a fairly exhaustive comparison, the day I heard the HT210, my search was over. I have been listening to all variety of cabinets, and my basic requirements in a 2×10 were: natural sound, ability to punch hard (when necessary) and not weigh a million pounds. I auditioned the “usual suspects” (ampeg, SWR, Hartke, Aguliar, Trace Elliot, GK, Fender and even the venerable Eden 210xlt). The “Berg” soundly thrashed them all (in my opinion). No disrespect to any of the above brands, but for accurate, articulate and faithful reproduction of what your bass sounds like, the Berg was simply the best. When mated with my Ashdown rig, Tobias or Alembic basses, it really sings. One thing…..beware of crappy front ends with this cabinet. If your bass or preamp sounds less than good, the Berg will reveal all. Keep up the great stuff guys. ” RJ – Detroit, MI

Posted on May 2, 2005

“I recommend Bergantino to anyone who asks. I realized a long time ago that I play better when I like my stage sound, so I have tried everything: Yamaha, Sunn, Ampeg, Eden… I stopped shopping when I heard an HT310 in 2003 at a friends’ house. I bought that one, then an HT210 for smaller gigs (fits in the trunk of my ’59 Impala!). Well, I *almost* stopped shopping. Now, I want another one for home, for the rehearsal room, for a drummer’s monitor…Thanks, Jim!!! ”

Posted on Apr. 28, 2005

“I have recently got a HT322 and I love it. If you are debating on getting one, get it, you won’t be disappointed. I have owned SVTs, SWR, EA and Bergantinos are the best. They are the best built and best sounding cabinets available. Jim’s a great guy who will answer your questions promptly (not like most other places where you wait days for a responce to your email). The customer service is exceptional. Thanks Jim for all your help and support and of course for building these great cabs. ” Bill Fuhrer – Edmonton, Canada –

Posted on Apr. 14, 2005

“I’ve played my NV610 in various venues around town, and I’ve used it for practices and one studio session. Too many compliments to mention as far as the tone is concerned…it turns heads every time. This cabinet is so musically balanced, true, and pure from its endless bottom to the sweetest highs. I haven’t found anything that sounds better and I’ve played it against everything the local dealers had to offer. ” Jaime DeZubeldia, Tucson,Arizona

Posted on Apr. 10, 2005

“I’ve had Carvin 4X10 and 1X18, Trace Elliot 1 X 15s, even Euphonic Audio VL 210 (a close contender). I went to find a powerful cabinet to go with my IAmp 800 head. I was convinced I was going to buy Edens but walked out of the store with a HT322, thanks to another bass player in the store. Heavy tho.. ”

Posted on Mar. 25, 2005

“Honeymoon period part two. I have been playing through my Berg mini stack for a year now and still love em – so much in fact I bought another stack (EX112 and HT112) instead of a large stand-alone cab for those occasional gigs where I need a bit more overall stage sound. For those mini stack lovers out there who need a bit “more” at times, you gotta try a combination of three or four Berg 12’s. Amazing. ” Mark, Seattle