Posted on Oct. 16, 2003

“I love my NV610. This cab is amazing. If you are looking for the ultimate vintage tone, this is the cab.” Jeff Haley

Posted on Oct. 14, 2003

“Hi Jim. The Demeter HPB-1/Crown K-1 arrived about a week ago, and I must say you were right. The HT-322 definitely sings with more power. I’ve never sounded better. I run it pretty much flat, with the tweeter attenuator in the open position. Your cabinet is amazing. I haven’t been able to get it to bottom out yet. I can’t wait for rehearsal. p.s. Go Sox! ”

Posted on Oct. 7, 2003

“Hello, I wanted to drop a note here to give my impressions on my brand new Bergantino HT322. It arrived yesterday right in time for my rehearsal last night, plugged it into the WT800 and I’m completely speachless. I thought that there was nothing that could equal the sound of my Eden 410xlt….equal?…how bout, in a completly different ballpark!…This speaker cabinet is the very best on the market today!…..I heard the real sound of my Us Masters 5-string bass for the very first time last night…compeletly uncolored and beatufiully articulate with crisp highs and earthshaking lows!….now all I have to do is figure out how to afford the 2-10….so I can have the best sounding rig on this planet!!!..Thanks Jim” Jordan

Posted on Sept. 20, 2003

“Ever wish you could get that great, direct-to-the board tone live? I am a utility player — in the course of an average year I will gig with bass (electric and acoustic, fretted and fretless), pedal steel, electric guitar (lots of different ones), acoustic guitar (including 12-string and classical), keyboard, banjo. I play just about every style from time to time, I’m playing pedal steel(!) in a fusion band right now. I’ve been a full-time pro for over 30 years and have been fighting with tone for most of it. I’ve tried everything — different amps for different instruments, other high-end cabinets (bag end, EAW, aguilar) PA equipment, even took a couple of urei studio monitors on the road for a while. (big mistake). I bought a couple of HT-112’s about three months ago and, it was like, Eureka! That’s tone. They are warm, accurate, and crisp, and LOUD without being harsh with EVERY instrument I use live and even a couple I don’t (any Bouzouki guys out there? Oud? Lute? I use those sometimes too). Depending on the instrument I play through a Sansamp PSA-1, a Tubefex, and an Alembic F-2B with a Stewart 1.2 power amp. On a typical week I might play anywhere from a bar gig to a 40-foot stage and this rig is plenty for any of it — and it all fits in the trunk of my car. I’m not a big techie and have no idea why these things are so hi-fi but whatever it is, IT WORKS. Worth every nickel. I am in awe, Jim. Thanks.” Westside Johnny Tulsa, OK

Posted on Sept. 20, 2003

“I’ve been playing bass for 5 years after a friend showed me how beautiful and important bass can be. He played a 6 string Ken Smith and SWR so I played that combo until I was introduced to Eden a year later. Then I played Smith and Eden and have been playing that for the past 4 years. When I was told to try Bergantino cabs I was snobby and said “There can be nothing greater than Eden cabs. You are wrong”. My friends know I am very, very picky about my tone and I can take months to make equipment purchases. Now I am saying to everyone that was wrong and I am sorry to my friends who tried to make me see the light 2 years ago. This past weekend I went to Bass Emporium in Austin, Tx and played an HT322 thru an Eden Time Traveler 330. OOHH MY GOD!!! With my EQ flat on my Smith AND a flat EQ on the head I heard the most beautiful sound coming from that HT322 cabinet that I’ve ever heard in 12 years of playing music and trying out all the gear I could plug into. The sound had nothing to do with my playing either (I’m not THAT good). After 5 minutes of playing that cab I decided I was going to sell my current Eden Metro/212 cabs for 2 HT322’s. I can’t believe I waited this long to hear something so wonderful. The bass was tight AND warm, the mids just spoke out loud, and the treble was just so clear and full sounding. It is just like the tone that I hear in my head. Now I won’t be able to sleep until I get those new cabinets, but at least I know that I can own equipmemt that sounds like the tone I hear in my head. Bless you Mr. Bergantino, bless you.”

Posted on Sept. 9, 2003

“Love the cabs, but I wish you would bring the HT212 back!!”