Posted on June 12, 2003

“Jim; Finally got around to posting a comment after we talked a couple of weeks ago. Well, you remember I was a bit apprehensive trading in my EA-VL110’s for an HT112 and EX112 and talked to you a bit about it. All I have to say is: I made the right choice 🙂 So far, I’ve had the chance to use these cabs on a few different gigs and they’ve performed flawlessly. If I had to describe the sound difference between these and my last cabs it would be “round”. My bass just seems to have so much more presence and low end, while still retaining a very nice, clear sound with these cabs. To tell you the truth, I have really only had to use the HT112 so far because it’s been powerful enough to handle the situations I’ve been using it for. I’ll let you know when I do that arena tour with Metallica and we’ll see how they hold up then 🙂 Thanks for responding so quickly and answering the questions I had on the phone. I’ll definitely be using these for a looooong time…”

Posted on June 4, 2003

“Jim, I just wanted to let you know that the whole band for “Bat Boy” the musical in Boston is thankfull that I am now playing through your HT112 cab for the shows. It fills out my sound and really helped the band become tighter. It roars all the way down to my low B string. This cab is pure magic! A big thanks from me as well. ” Andy Dow

Posted on May 24, 2003

“I have been test playing a stock Fender Jazz through the Bergantino 210 with an EBS 350 head. I don’t think I have ever heard a rig that sounded better – ever. It fully reproduces my sound – what else could I want. I am especially pleased how well double stops, chords and harmonics come through – clearer than ever before. I didn’t know what I was missing until I hooked up with the 210.” Steve M. Houston, Texas

Posted on May 17, 2003

“I recently purchased an HT322. I had a few questions prior to making the purchase. I traded a few emails with Jim and must say he was excellent from a customer service standpoint. He explained his answers to my questions in a friendly, professional manner and was very fast in responding to my emails. This initially started me off on a good foot with Jim. I don’t care how good a product is, if the customer service is not there when it comes time you need it, it’s worthless! Jim however, subscribes to a tantamount professionalism akin to Roger Sadowsky. No matter who you are, big name or not, you are treated with a very high level of courtesy and respect. I conclude that both of these guys are sincere in making the best products available for all players. This commitment is evident in Jim’s cabinet designs. As a 5-string player, I always wanted a cabinet that would accurately represent the entire frequency spectrum of my bass without distorting the lower frequencies! This cabinet delivers it and more. Echoing the sentiments of many others who rave on about the crystalline sound of Jim’s cabinets, I can only add that playing through my new HT322, I can finally hear what my Sadowsky has truly been saying to me all these years. Excellent product Jim, and best of luck for a successful future!” Sincerely, Johnny Mennonna

Posted on April 28, 2003

“Hi Jim, I finally got my HT-210 and HT-115 stack. Thank you for your suggestions on putting together this great combination! I am using a Kern pre-amp I just received last week along with the QSC PLX series power amp you recommended. I tried running the cabinets in stereo at 550 watts per channel but it wasn’t until I ran them in bridged mode that they really came alive and found their ‘voice’! They sound so good with more power. I used the rig out of the house for the first time today at a church rally day our band played at. The lead guitar player kept telling me how smooth and how much better it sounded than my previous gear. Thanks for a nice compliment in a 210 and 115 that are actually the same size so they stack nicely. Also, the padded covers are excellent protection for them. Again, thank you for all of your help, personal attention and your super products!! ” Don Gula Potts Grove, PA

Posted on April 8, 2003

“OK folks, I’m a complete tone freak and have a serious case of G.A.S. (gear acquisition syndrome), so needless to say I’ve owned (or tried) just about every piece of bass gear out there in my 15+ years of professional playing. Sound-wise, I’m not into your typical / standard bass tone, as I like my bass to growl slightly and to be rich and thick with harmonics (I play fingerstyle rock). I currently use a Music Man Sterling, and a Mesa M-Pulse 600 – and they are my absolute favorite bass and amp currently on the market. So, you would probably expect me to use a Mesa cabinet, such as their newly designed 6×10 or Powerhouse 1000. Well, I test drove those cabs and they are OK, but I was definitely not blown away by them. So, one day I talked to Jeff at M.A.E. (in Ft. Lauderdale, FL) and he tells me that I need to check out a Bergantino cab if I want to be blown away. Well, I checked out the 322 and I was thoroughly impressed with it, but it just wasn’t my sound. I then learned that the NV610 had just been released and without hesitation I ordered one sight unseen after talking with Jim. Well, I’ve had it for over a week now and I can honestly say “WHEN YOU CRANK THIS BABY UP YOU BETTER HOLD ON TIGHT TO SOMETHING, CAUSE THIS THING WILL SEND YOU FLYING,” and the fact that the tone is the most wonderful, full, sweet sound that I’ve ever heard sure doesn’t hurt either. I would have gladly paid much more for this cabinet (the current price is a steal) and it truly is the HOLY GRAIL of bass tone for me! Thank you Jim!!!” Peace, Dave Tette, Jacksonville, FL