Posted on April 7, 2003

“I just bought the compact 12 w/tweeter. HUGE Sound, The highes are CRISP and CLEAR, Brilliant Tone and Lows! This is the best cabinet I have ever played on. I play at church and this tiny cabinet holds its own! I don’t even use my 18 anymore! It’s so TINY! I can travel with it on my front seat. I know you bassists can appreciate that! Overall, The Sound is AWESOME! Can’t wait to buy another one! Rolls Royce of Speakers!” Julius R. Collins, Suffolk, Va.

Posted on April 7, 2003

“You know, sometimes the hype IS true. I own a 3- 10′ cabinet and it really is that much better than anything else I’ve used. It sounds deep and clean. The tweeter is PERFECT. I was not sure about it at first, but using it on gigs has made me a believer. The tone is balanced and clear without adding any color to what’s going in. I like it so much. I’m looking at one of the smaller cabinets to use for smaller gigs.”

Posted on Mar. 31, 2003

“I received my HT322 this week from Bass Emporium in Austin, TX and have to give my opinion of your work. I have owned and gigged extensively with Hartke, Eden and SWR, all 4×10’s and the best of each label. I can say that this cabinet is the best all around that I have ever heard. I A/B’d it with a Demeter pre and Stewart power against the Aguilar GS410 and Epifani T-410 (both great cabinets) and it wasn’t even close. The best thing I can say is that it has all the best traits of bottom, mid and top without any harshness, mud or boom. I can play with fingers, thumb and pick without changing EQ and get the sound that I am supposed to get with the different techniques.” “I want another one! Oh yes, it will be mine.”

Posted on Mar. 28, 2003

“Okay, I just got my 6’10 bergy cab, most likely the first to own and use one. Jim did an unbelievable job on it, special love was sent my way on this one. Anyways, if you don’t own one ask yourself this question, WHY? Jaw dropping is how I describe it. It will rip your head off. I play rock music and this thing is rock. I use an Ashdown 900evo to power it which I feel is the only choice, but Jim has some things in the works that I wouldn’t be surprised that will end up rivaling the Ashdown, but he will be hard pressed cus they make an incredible product. But back to Jim. This cab will blow away any 8’10 out there no questions asked. You can hear every note distinctively. The highs, cut through like a knife through butter, the lows are so impressive that I think I orgasmed the first time. And there’s all the mid you’ll ever need. By far the best purchase of my life. I have heard everything, but nothing compares to the quality and craftmanship of a Bergantino speaker system. Do yourself a favor and get a 6 10″. It changed my life and I know it will yours.” Ryan Hoover QUOTA

Posted on Mar. 21, 2003

“Hi! My name is Tony Casaceli and I recently purchased an HT322 speaker cabinet. To my knowledge, the 322 is the best sounding speaker cabinet I’ve ever heard. The sound is crystal clear, the speakers can handle mid, highs to lows without strain or muddiness to tone. I use a Pedulla “Thunderbass” which I play through this cabinet as well as a Charvel/Jackson B4 bass. I highly recommend this cabinet to anyone searching for the best in tonal quality.”

Posted on Feb. 19, 2003

“Well Jim, I thought my 3×10 was my best cabinet. Now I have the 322. And it rocks and is what I wanted, a combination of your 3×10 and 2×12. But also my 1×12’s are great cabinets. As we have discussed, players need to buy what their ears like and not what this or the other guy is playing. If anyone wants to write me with questions, feel free – I have played them all and now only have these cabinets.”