Posted on Aug. 15, 2002

“After having a lovely chat with Jim Bergantino on the phone, I ordered an HT112 from the folks at Rock City Guitars in the Boston area. Lo and behold, it showed up the next day out in the sticks where I live in Vermont. Now that’s service – thanks, guys. I used the HT112 at an outdoor gig a few days after I got it. I stacked it on top of another 112 by a well-known high end manufacturer. I turned the tweeter off on the other cab, and used the Bergantino crossover and tweeter (which I like just as much as everybody else who has commented here). The sound was very nice, clear and balanced, and plenty loud. The next day, I took my little mixed-manufacturer stack back indoors to practice with, and it was less successful indoors – huge sound, but kind of unfocused and phasy and boomy. What else could I do but order an EX112 to sit under the HT112? So I called up Justin at Rock City and, once again, the cab showed up the next day. A nice, tight sounding stack! Gonna let them break in for a while before I come to any further conclusions, but I’m really happy with them. I like the small size, light weight, Speakon connectors, and heavy-duty grills, too.” Ben

Posted on Aug. 5, 2002

“Well, I wanted to get a couple of gigs in before I commented on the Bergantino 322 cabinet. This cabinet peformed flawlessly and sounded twice it’s size. In a nutshell, it’s the very best cabinet I’ve ever heard / played / owned. Many thanks to Jim Bergantino for delivering the GOODS. Now I look forward to every gig no matter where it is because I know at least the bass will be kickin! Extremely rewarding. Bergantino cabs are IT!!”

Posted on July 25, 2002

“I traded my 2 Aguilar 112’s for the Bergantino 3-10 and the 3-10 rocks! This cab projects and cuts thru better than anything I’ve ever owned. The Aguilar was good but the Bergantino is a higher level of excellent.”

Posted on July 25, 2002

“I sold my Bag End 4×10 and EAVL-208 and respectively replaced them with a Bergie 2×10 and Bergie 1×12 both with horn. The cabs are amazing. Through my Walter Woods amp, I’m very audible and clear, playing upright at my very LOUD swing gig with just the 1×12. The EA was just too transparent; no punch. The 1×12 is even loud enough to play with a big band. My 2×10 is also so loud, that it easily replaced my 4×10!!! These cabs sound great with both electric and upright bass. Now that I’m starting to play much larger venues again, I feel that I’ll be needing the Bergie 3×10!! Blood bank here I come….:-)” Charley Mishalany

Posted on June 28, 2002

“Folks, I just sold my Eden 4X10 XLT and Eden 1X15 XLT and got into the Bergy HT210 and HT310. Let me say that my new rig is criminal! These cabs are very articulate and transparent. After the first set, my sound guy came up to me and simply said, “Man, those new cabs sound good!” Nuff said!”

Posted on June 21, 2002

“I put a ‘Bergy’ 310 up against the Eden 410 – the ‘Bergy’ scored hands down victory at high volume.”