Bergantino Artist Ricky Bonazza and his tribute to some great bass lines. Ricky is using the forte’ HP.

Long time Bergantino artist Felipe Gomez with his song for Holly Murphy Bergantino- my other half, “The Irish Boss”! Sounds great Felipe Gomez!

Bergantino artist Claudio Rocha writes about this clip, “I’ve tried something different this time, alternating fingerstyle and slapping, that’s a little tricky to EQ sometimes. It’s wonderful how my Bergantino B|Amp reacted! I have a smooth tone playing fingerstyle and bright slapped notes without any post production EQ or plugin. Really impressive, in my opinion.”

Frank Itt of “Bass The World” and the review of the new Bergantino forte D and NXT210. Check out link below for full review in video.

A little 16th fun and fury courtesy of the one and only, Jacob Smith. Jacob is using the NXV112 and the forte’ HP.