Posted on April 7, 2008

“Hi Jim. As you probably remember you and I have talked extensively regarding the differences between your IP310 and the AE410. I decided to go to your dealer in Ben Salem, PA, Bass Specialties, to compare the 2 cabs. Jim as you probably already know you have an awesome dealer in Glenn Marrazzos. I was in Glenn’s shop literally for hours on end doing my comparisons between the 2 previously mentioned cabs with various heads and preamps totally unencumbered by Glenn. Both cabinets sounded incredible! I finally chose the AE410 simply for reasons of portability. Well I’ve used my AE410 on about half a dozen gigs now and I’ve just got to tell you it has exceeded my expectations. In no way shape or form does this cabinet sound like the other neodymium speakers most of us are accustomed to. The cabinet is fat, tight and punchy. It also has a very quick attack with lots of bottom and no honky mids like other neos. Bottom line is that it sounds very much like a ceramic magnet and not a neo. Secondly the spray on finish of the cab is top shelf. It is so much nicer than that carpet finish most manufactures use. And finally because of the depth of the AE410 it fits in the back seat of my small car. You can’t ask for much more than that. Jim thanks so much for making such a great cab and for helping me achieve my sound. ” Best always, Neil Damato

Posted on Mar. 11, 2008

“Hi Jim, Just picked up your AE410 over the weekend and I have not stop smiling yet! Weight to Tone factor has been a huge issue for me. My back told me to stop lugging your HT322 to my gigs and boy did my tone take a big hit. I landed as most of us do on the Epifani thing which has been a love – hate relationship, but my back thanked me even though my ears where left wanting that magical Bergy sound. As soon as I heard your were offering the new AE line I was in route to my local dealer. We took my current Epifani UL310 and ran it up aginst your ae410 while my back was turned away from the cabinets I began to play. We started with my current rig. Once the cable was moved from the UL310 to your AE410 I said STOP!!!! I dropped my Epifani UL310 Series II in a heart beat once I got a taste of what your cabinet did for my continual search for the “Sound of Life”. for just a few pounds more I not only got a 4×10 cab which gave me more volume and size to the notes, I got that magical Bergy tone back. Now my tone is warm, fat, punches like nobodies business, articulate, huge bottom end, sizzles at the top…I can go on and on. I am so excited with your new line and very happy to be a customer again. Cudos to “Bass Specialities” and a special thanks to the owner Glen – his knowledge and eagerness to help his customers find the quest for tone whether it be a fantastic Bass guitar or a dynamite bass rig is something you should experience. Bass Specialties only carries the “best of the best” and Glen also is one heck of a nice guy! “Nothing moves you like Bass” ” Vance Ellis – Malvern, PA

Posted on Mar. 10, 2008

“Excellent, EXCELLENT product! My HT112 makes my bass sit/cut perfectly for my neo-folk/jazz performances. I’ve gotten countless raves from other players as well. THANK YOU JIM! ”

Posted on Mar. 1, 2008

“I have used an ampeg svt for twenty two years,always the mighty 810 cabinet. I swore there were nothing better until I met the BERGANTINO HT 310 ,this cabinet is by far the best I have ever used. It is so good I loaded the svt in my jeep and brought home the very best bass cabinet ever. BERGANTINO, thank you for bringing me and my music back to life. ” Sincerly, Greg Godsey……. East Tennessee

Posted on Feb. 23, 2008

“I have just purchased an IP112. I am playing double bass exclusively and the combination of a Realist pickup + Fishman pro EQ platinum bass preamp + the IP 112 is truly unsurpassed. So all that has been written about the IP112 certainly works for my double bass as well! ” Kind regards, Frits Jochems(in Belgium)

Posted on Feb. 18, 2008

“Hi Jim, I should start by saying that I, like many other bass players, am a tone junkie. I have played Ampeg head/cabs for years now, my sound and tone was always good but it just wasnt the sound I had in my head. I finally got the basses/head down to Fender usa jazz and a early 1970’s Ampeg SVT. I was playing through Ampegs svt610 and the sound was great..but it just wasnt “it”. A friend recommended I give the NV610 a shot and promised I would turn cartwheels when I heard the difference. So I toted my Fender 75 Jazz RI and my 71 SVT down to Rockin Robin Guitars here in Houston. They were busy as they always are(its a great shop w/a TON of vintage gear..check them out)and I ask if I could play the Berg610 through my head. They said “sure, no problem”. I hooked my amp up and was prepaired to, well honestly, be disappointed. I have heard so many people say “ need this cab..or this cab” and I was prepared for the worst. I let the tubes heat for a minute and slowly turned up the volume to about 3 o’clock. The tone and shape were nothing less than amazing. I made a few adjustments to the head’s mid’s and bass and played for about 2 min just amazed. I thought “well it sounds good at 3 o’clock lets give her some gas and see what she has” I turned up to 12 o’clock and the distortion that came out was god like! I knew instantly I had found the tone! I am a very hard slap/pop guy and I always…always make speakers(10’s) “pop” when I slap. Well not this cab. I even hit the strings as hard as I could directly over the neck P/U and it was just tone…nothing but tone. I packed up my stuff, whipped out the card and the NV610 was mine. The final test came at rehearsal last night when I plugged in my 2nd fender jazz that is tuned to C# G# C# F#, The open 4 string always sounded “flabby” and “loose” with every cabnet I had played through. I hit that low C# and the BergNV610 just thundered out the note with PERFECT tone and clairty! This cabinet took everything I threw at it and never had any tone less than god like. Thank you Jim ! From a new life long Berg owner! ” John