Posted on Mar. 19, 2006

“Wow my head is still feeling the concushions from last night, My new HT322 cab with my new Ampeg SVTpro 6 with 6 pre amp tubes..WOW A pavel 5 string bass and all i can say is its like a big chevy motor with a huge supercharger on it and clear and fat and crisp. Nice job guys. i am thinking about down the road adding a 15″ speaker to it will you make one or maybe your small 2-10.” Thanks – Don

Posted on Mar. 19, 2006

“After talking to Mr. Bergantino, I decided to purchase an IP310 and IP212 without even hearing them first. Not to repeat myself, you can read my past comments above about my 322’s (Dec. 4th, 2005 – Dominick J.). When I first played my new IPs my jaw just hit the floor!! Basically these new cabs take everything I love about my 322’s to a whole new level. Either the 212 or 310 sound unreal by themselves (the DSP and poweramp rule!!) but pair them together and it’s a wall of tone!! Punchy, clear, deep and full with the usual amazing top end. I have to admit, I was suprised by the sound of the IP212, I thought that the IP310 would spank it in the tone and punch depts. but it’s a toss up as to which I prefer. I tried both cabs with a Trace Elliot head and a Millennia TD-1. The Millennia sounds far better than the Trace but I think my favorite preamp for the Bergies is still the Demeter HBP-1. I have two on order right now and I think that, along with the IP’s will be the end of the road for my ultimate tone search. I like these new cabs so much I’m selling all of my other amps and cabs and I plan on buying one more IP (for the practice pad) and that’s it, TONE HEAVEN!!” Thank you Jim!! Dominick J. Mesa, AZ

Posted on Mar. 6, 2006

“Bergantino…What more can one say! I’ve had my self named BMS (Berg Mini Stack) for several years now and still love it. The HT112 is still my favorite sounding cab of all time. Recently I aquired and NV215 that I use with my Ag DB750 and it is just awesome. Punch Loud and Low!! Jim’s new IP212 really has me intrigued and I wish I could try one out. I’m ready to sell of some of my other gear if that baby does what I think it will do. Jim is the best and really cares about his products and customers. I’m truly a fan of Bergantino, person and products.” Dean Groom aka Big String

Posted on Feb. 26, 2006

“Hi Jim , I’ve posted about my HT310 before , but I gotta tell you again , this is the tightest , punchiest cabinet I’ve ever owned … and I’ve owned quite a few . I bought this cab in April 2002 , and it’s still my main workhorse . Thanks again.” Dave Meissner – San Antonio , TX

Posted on Feb. 20, 2006

“Last week I received my brand new IP112 and used it out on 2 gigs – just amazing! I bought it based on info from a friend (thanx Steve!), the comments posted here and on a few bass gear related sites, and from talking with Jim (thanx for the time!) and Corey. After selling almost all my other bass amps and cabs, I see I’ll never have to lug so much weight around again to get the sound I’m looking for! Now I can’t wait to add on the EX112, just so my ‘stack’ will be tall enough on stage so people don’t say “where’s your rig?” 😉 ” ~Eric

Posted on Feb. 16, 2006

“I recently purchased a used HT322 cab from Bass NW in Seattle WA. This cab is totally amazing! Smooth is the best word that comes to mind. It simply just sounds the way you want to sound. I’m waiting for a David Eden WT-800 head to arrive, and have a second HT322 on it’s way as well. I cannot wait to hear these cabs driven in stereo mode from the WT-800 head! You guys have done it right on these cabinets. My deepest thanks and appreciation for such an outstanding product. Amazing!” John