Posted on Jan. 11, 2006
“Just to let you know, Mr. Bergantino… I received an NV425 only yesterday (Mon, Jan 9, 2006), which I ordered from Juan Ortiz the week before Christmas. I already have an NV215, and I’ve been loving that cabinet for almost a year. I got the NV425 so I can pair it up with the NV215. I’m hooking them both up to an Aguilar DB750. As luck would have it, my band had a practice session scheduled last night, so I was able to play through both cabinets. I have a 10K sq. ft. warehouse in an industrial area, so volume is not an issue. All I can say is… 3 x 15″s and 3 x 10″s (plus that little 6-incher) make an amazing combination… simply incredible! Even at low volume, the sound of bass… from top to way, way bottom… fills the room. However, it’s important to note: by “filling the room”, it isn’t over-powering, or dominating… it’s just that the bass is unmistakenly present. I hope I’m making sense…Thank you for the NV line of speakers, Mr. Bergantino. I’m glad I got mine before their discontinuation, and I wish you all the best with your new line of cabinets, as I’m confident of your forthcoming success with them, too!” Me ke’aloha pumehana… D. Moore, Honolulu