Posted on June 10, 2004
“I too, have recently purchased one of the finest cabinets ever to set wheel in my basement. And to think, it took me only three years of playing to find this cabinet. A “newbie” I may be, but my ear is as discriminating as the touring professional, and I know when I hear quality. Paired with my Elrick Classic 5 and Eden preamp, the HT322 makes my tone the most transparent, and “me-sounding” that it has ever been. These cabinets truely are the clearest thing I have ever heard in my life. I play a lot of high volume slap/tapping stuff, and not so, but at the same time this cabinet, as stated in previous posts, remains clear and unfatigued even after hours upon hours of playing. If anyone reading this is trying to make a decision between ANY of Mr. Bergantino’s product with ANY other cabinet on the market….you need sit back, and look at what all of these people are saying about this product. It simply smokes (not literally)!!! Now, I don’t think I can say anything else that hasn’t already been stated about this product except…If you seriously care about your tone, you would be a FOOL not to pick up one of these enclosures. (All I need to do now is save up the cash to get ANOTHER HT322!!!)”