Posted on Nov. 1, 2005
“I recently posted a comment on how great the NV425 is. Matter of fact I liked it so much I went back to Basses Electric & Acoustic in Sacramento (where I purchased the NV422 from Juan)and bought an HT322. I used this cab at my last two gigs and must say this cab is unbelieveable. I used it with an Aguilar DB750 and Mesa M-Pulse 600 (the newer version with speakon outputs). Well, Jim has done it again. Another great sounding cab. It is deep, clean, and full sounding with a massive soundstage and had no problem cutting through the two lead guitarists and keyboards in my band ( a common problem I have experienced with Mesa, Eden, and SWR cabs). Both the NV425 and HT322 sound so good it is hard to say which one I would recommend over the other. Both are the best cabs I have owned and/or used live. I feel lucky to have both Bergantino cabs and feel these are the last bass cabs I will ever need. Thanks again Jim for some of the best highend bass cabs that actually do what they are supposed to do and sound fantastic! ” Lee W. (Point Blank)