Posted on Oct. 19, 2005
“I recently purchased an NV425 and must say that this is the best cab I have ever used period. I have owned top of the line Eden, SWR, Mesa, and Ampeg cabs. But none come close to the highend sound I get with the NV425. I use a Mesa M-Pulse 600 or Aguilar DB 750 with this cab. Both sound great. The Aguilar DB 750 appears to be a perfect match for the NV425. In addition, Jim has got to be the nicest guy and actually cares about the customer. He was very helpful when I called him before buying the cab. He even did a follow-up phone call with the dealer I purchased the NV 425 from to ensure that I liked the cab. Thanks Jim for building a great cab and your fantastic customer support. I plan to purchase an HT322 in the next couple months. ” Lee W.