Posted on Dec. 1, 2004

“Jim, thanks for taking the time to share your knowledge with me and also for your good advice. I immediately contacted Juan Ortiz at Basses Electric-Acoustic after our conversation, and inquired about the three brands of cabs I was initially interested in. He said all three brands were great but the Bergs were in a league of their own tone-wise. Now that I’m playing through my new HT210/HT115 ‘Berg Stack’, I couldn’t agree more. I use a Read Custom Purity tube preamp and I’m powering my Berg Stack with a Crest CA-9 power amp. I won’t be gigging for a few more weeks, but I’m playing through my new setup here at home quite a bit. My old Ampeg BXT410HL cabs did a good job when I was only playing 4-strings, but when I started playing a Roscoe SKB3006 6-string, it was painfully obvious that my Ampeg cabs weren’t up to the task when it came to reproducing the sound of my Roscoe’s thick low end and massive-sounding B-string. Plus, my Roscoe was built to my specs to have a ‘horn-like’ tone. Keith Roscoe really hit a grand slam when he built my bass! It has the sound I’ve been dreaming about for about the last 20 years. I wanted speaker cabinets that would allow the great sound of my Roscoe bass to be heard without altering it’s tone in any way. My Berg Stack does this flawlessly. I’ve been complaining forever regarding all of these so-called ‘hi-fi’ bass cabs that I’ve owned and used prior to buying my Berg cabs. Too many times I wasn’t able to get enough midrange emphasis from the cabs to cut through. It was really hard to hear myself when the stage volume got really loud. I could hear all of the other instruments, but my bass was constantly buried. I’d always comment: “Why can’t someone make a cab with a flat audio response?” “I want to hear what my bass really sounds like, these cabs add too much of their character and tone to my sound!” My Bergantino cabs are the final components in my dream rig. I can’t believe how clean and articulate my stack sounds, yet is has plenty of warmth, and a very detailed, musical tone. My Bergs also project the sound of my bass better than any cab I’ve owned or tried. It’s almost scary. After doing some A/B comparisons with my Ampeg cabs and my Berg stack, I have no doubts that my Bergs will have more than enough volume for any of the gigs I play. Plus, the combined weight of my HT210/HT115 stack weighs less than one of my Ampeg BXT cabs! My back thanks you, and so do my ears! Jim, thanks again for helping me choose the perfect cab setup for my needs and for making such fantastic cabs.” Best Regards, Derwin Moss – Salt Lake City, UT

Posted on Dec. 1, 2004

“I proudly played my HT 112 at the DAVE MATTHEWS BAND shows in INDIANA, HARTFORD, and Mansfield MASS. with singer songwriter AMY WARD this summer. This cabinet is the best in its class hands down! In the studio, it’s the HT310’s. Bergantino are truely amazing natural sounding cabinets! ” Frank Gagliardi – Bassist-NYC

Posted on Nov. 23, 2004

“I played a concert at the Continental Arena in NJ. There were 2 different bass rigs there. One was a Hartke with two 410 Cabs the other an SWR 810 Cab. I wanted to use my own rig which included just one HT322 cab. They told me before I hooked in that my setup was to small and my sound would get lost on stage. Then I setup and played and everybody’s mouth dropped. It was the biggest most cleanest sound they had ever heard. Thanks for making such a versatile cabnet. That was a Hip Hop gig. I also use it for R&B, ,jazz, gospel, etc. I dont use anything else. I wish I could get it when I’m on the road with Gloria Gaynor !!! ” Reggie Woodside

Posted on Nov. 12, 2004

“Hello, and a big thank you to everyone at Bergantino! I have been using the HT 112 with a Clarus II for nearly a year now, but it was the past six months of cross-Canada touring which really put it to the test, and convinced me that I got more than I paid for. The characteristic that I love most about this cab is that while it certainly has the guts and depth to handle large rooms and stages, even outdoors, it also has the sensitivity to operate at much lower volumes — which is where most of my work gets done. It never washes out the whole stage, but projects well into the room. The sound is natural and transparent, but not too thin or brittle. Always plenty of support, whether its acoustic folk, a jazz trio, or something much louder. Thank you, and keep up the good work! ” Michael-Owen Liston, Vancouver, B.C., Canada

Posted on Nov. 12, 2004

“Hi Jim. Just bought a NV425 from Alpha Music in Virginia Beach. Gotta tell you…it sounds awesome. Can’t wait to play it at a gig tomorrow night. This cab has incredible sound from my low B all the way up the fretboard. It really produces the sound I dreamed my passive Roscoe Beck V should produce. Thanks for making me the most NV’d bass player in town.” Jeff Tobey – Big Brewster and the Bluerocks

Posted on Nov. 05, 2004

“If you’re waiting for a better 2×10 than this, time is definitely passing you by. It is possible to have hi-fi transparency and agressive volume handling in one cabinet that fits in your back seat – just ask Jim Bergantino. After having tried just about everything, I’ve found THE tone at a price that seriously competes with the other high-end cabinet makers. Now I just need to decide what complements it best: another 2×10 or perhaps the 1×15… Jim, thanks for an increible cabinet, at a great price with flawless customer service. You are a player’s dream. ” Steve Maddern, Atlanta, GA