Bergantino User Stijn Deldaele

Location: Belgium
Bergantino equipment used: HD410
Associated Bands: blunt, D-urbanites, hardscore, Dr gumbo, sessions & educating
Band Websites: Blunt, D-Urbanites, Hardscore

Bergantino User Fabio Corrao

Location: ROMA, Italy
Bergantino equipment used: CN112
Associated Band: The Snakers
Website: The Snakers

Bergantino User Ritchie Paik

Location: Cincinnati, Ohio
Bergantino equipment used: CN112
Associated Band(s): Static Tension, Greg Blachman Band
Band Website: Static Tension

Posted on May 4, 2015

I have the HT322,  HS410 and the HT212. And after hearing my equipment through Jim’s cabinets,  I have no desire on trying any other cabs. I’ve been playing since 1971, I own a  72′  SVT w/ both cabs, and now I play Bergantino!

Jack Lessard

Bergantino User Jim Frost

Location: Edmonton
Bergantino equipment used: HD 112/HD210
Associated Band: Freelance player
Websites: Black Pearl, Bennett &Frost

Posted on March 29, 2015

I really love my Bergie HT212″. Great low end, nice middles and clear trebles. The greatest sound I’ve ever heard! Bergie+Gallien Krueger Kill!

Gledson Praxedes