Posted on Dec. 23, 2007

“Hi Jim, have just got an HT112 from BassDirect here in the UK as I wanted to get back to a “12inch sound” after years of using 15″s. This box is awsome, tighter, truer and with a real fruitiness that I love. I don’t mean that it’s coloured because it isn’t, but it has a clarity that I have never heard in any other cab. First time out I had to stop playing mid number just to see if my ears were playing tricks on me. I use a Marshall IBS (Integrated Bass System) 200 amp from about 20 years ago (even Marshall have forgotten about it) but it is making my ’69 Precision sing like never before. The amp has upgraded (larger) power caps which help the bottom end potential no end. I now have as close as I have ever come to ultimate rig in 35 years of bass playing AND I can get it into the boot of a small hatch back! Roll on the day that I can afford the extension cab then watch me go. ” With gratefull thanks, Chris Wynn – Wiltshire, UK