Posted on Jan. 20, 2008

“I have found that my new 610 cab from you and the SVT 6 pro is working fine as I only play Mexican type Jazz basses, 4 string I like the warmth it has in most venues ..I will play outside tonight and maybe a add a single 15 long with the 6 10 but the 6 10 alone will also be, but love the tone and the punch I get I also have a 5 string Pavel, great bass don’t use it much in Blues and classic rock but I might start using it again. Thanks for the killer cab. I really wanted the cloth trim but the cover for it helps it not get torn up when transporting . Peace out! ” Don-South Florida – Rock and Roll Dundee Show – Tony Wilson, Godfather of Soul Band (guitar) Abbe Woods (bass)-301 East (bass)