Marc Vincent Stranger-Najjar and his Sandberg Patchwork Scrap with some tonal majesty brought to you by the Bergantino Super Pre Bass Preamp Pedal.

Bergantino Artist Claudio Rocha demonstrates THAT TONE! The Super Pre bass preamp pedal, with its amazing toolbox, facilitates getting him there…oh…and his chops help, too.

Bergantino Artist Dave Swift

Bergantino Audio Systems is honored and excited to welcome UK bassist, Dave Swift, to Bergantino’s endorsing artist roster. Starting with trombone as his first instrument at the age of 14, then picking up the bass a year later, Dave Swift has had an amazing musical journey and career. Consequently, he now has established himself as […]

Bass Magazines Review of the new Bergantino Super Pre Bass Preamp Pedal

Bergantino Audio Systems Super-Pre

Thank you Bass Magazine for the great review!

Bergantino Artist Claudio Rocha and his latest groove. Claudio is using the Super Pre bass preamp pedal. The clean signal is being processed by the Super Pre EQ, compression, and a little OD.