Patrick Durrett: Bergantino Artist

“I’ve played through a lot of different gear over the years. The first time I heard an HT-322 it hit me right near the heart so I had to have one. Needless to say, it was a huge upgrade to the cabs I’ve played in the past. Then I was sitting in Bass emporium farting around one day and happened across the NV412.. jolly cow what a beast! I didn’t even know I needed or wanted anything other than the 322.. take all my money!! So 2 weeks later I had probably the coolest bass cab ever. Years later I was toying with neos , because, you know.. back problems seem to be Synonymous with bass players from the all ceramic days.. haha! After a markbass combo stint I went full HDN with you guessed it, the old 322 combo, the HDN112 and HDN210. The rest of history, for now..”

Location: Austin, Texas

Bergantino Equipment Used: HT322, NV412, HDN112, & HDN210

Associated Bands: TrickShotatx

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